2012                Post-graduate in Robotic Surgery, University of Nancy, F

2005                Post-graduate in Achievement in Science, University of Cambridge, UK

1995                Qualification in Head & Neck surgery, Council of the Order of Medical Doctors, F

1993               Qualification in Family Medecine , F

1989                Specialist Qualification in ENT, University of Paris 5, F

1987                MD, Laureate of the Medical Faculty, University of Paris 5, F

1986                Post-graduate, Tropical Medicine and Health, University of Marseille, F

1976                Baccalaureate, Major Mathematics & Sciences, Academy of Versailles, F




Since 2014      Delegate of Board of Governors to the Medical Board, American Hospital of Paris

2014-2017        Head of the Dpt of ENT & Neck surgery, American Hospital of Paris

2011-2017        President, Committee of the Outpatient Dpt, American Hospital of Paris

2008-2009       Delegate of Board of Governors to the Medical Board, American Hospital of Paris

2005-2008       Vice-President of the Medical Council, American Hospital of Paris

2004-2007       Head of the Dpt of Dentistry & Maxillofacial surgery, American Hospital of Paris

1998-2006        Head of the Dpt of ENT & Neck surgery, American Hospital of Paris

1999-2004        Fellow, Cancer center René Huguenin, Saint Cloud, Greater Paris

1991-1998        Fellow, Dpt of ENT & Neck surgery, American Hospital of Paris

1989-1999        ENT & Neck Senior surgeon, Clinique du Landy, St Ouen, Greater Paris

1989-1999        Fellow, Dpt of ENT & Neck surgery, Foch Hospital, Suresnes, Greater Paris

1983-1989        Surgery residencies, Public Hospitals of Paris (Assitance Publique)


                                    ENT Surgery, Hospital Lariboisière, (Pr Freyss), Paris

                                   ENT Surgery, Hospital Trousseau, (Pr Garabedian), Paris

                                   ENT Surgery, Institut Gustave Roussy, (Dr Richard), Villejuif, Greater Paris

                                   ENT Surgery, Hospital Foch, (Pr Freche), Suresnes, Greater Paris

                                   ENT Surgery, Hospital Cochin (Pr Sterkers), Paris

                                   Orthopeadic surgery, Hospital Ambroise Paré (Pr Ramadier), Paris

                                   Digestive surgery, Hospital of Courbevoie (Pr Premont), Greater Paris

                                   Digestive surgery, Hospital of St Germain-en-Laye (Dr Larget)


1984-1985        Military service, General surgery Dpt, National University Hospital of Cotonou,

Benin Popular Republic; rank of Major in the Army Reserve Medical Corp






2004                Honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of Romania

1999                Fellow of the American College of Surgeons

1998                Member of the American Academy of ENT, Head & Neck Surgery




2008-               Fellow of the French National Academy of Surgery 

2008                Acting Secretary of the French National Academy of Surgery

2001-               Member of the French National Academy of Surgery

1993-               Member of the French College of ENT, Head & Neck Surgery

1989-               Member of the French Society of Photobiology

1989-               Member, French Society of Medical Lasers

1989-               Member, French Society of ENT and Cervico-facial Pathology




2005-               Founding-President of the Excellence in Dentistry Association (EID), Paris

2004-2007       co-Editor-in-Chief, ENT World (with Pr S. Selesnick, Presbytarian NY Hospital)

1989-2002        Editor-in-Chief, Revue de la Société Française d’ORL

1992-               Expert, National Court for Litigation and Incapacities, Paris

1997-2000        Expert commissioned by the French Society of ENT as a member of the

Permanent Commission of the general Nomenclature of medical Acts





2012                     Introduction of Robotic surgery in ENT Oncology surgery at the American Hospital of Paris

2006                    Introduction of Piezosurgery in ENT at the American Hospital of Paris

2003                    Creation of the Ear & Vestibule Lab Center at the American Hospital of Paris

2003                    Creation of the Oral Rehabilitation Center at the American Hospital of Paris

2002                    Expertized Neuro-navigation in France with the PRAXIM company at the American Hospital of Paris. This    e expertise led to FDA clearance in 2002

1998                    Creation of the department of Voice Surgery at the American Hospital of Paris

1998                    Development and introduction of Ultra-High Radio-frequency to treat snoring at the American Hospital of Paris

1997                    Phototherapy clinical study to get clearance from the French Health Authorities

1996                    Expertized the Diode Laser in ENT surgery in France for the DIOMED company

1996                    Development of a Silicon treatment to restore voice function, marketed worldwide by the METRONIX company

1989                    Creation of the department of Voice Surgery at the Foch Hospital, Suresnes, Greater Paris

1989                    Development in France of Phototherapy (MD thesis)




28.09.2013             Full day with the EID (Excellence In Dentistry) at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           5 Live surgeries, Traitement de l’édenté total,

29.09.2012             Full day with the EID at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           5 Live surgeries, Comprendre pour simplifier,

17.11.2011              Clinical ‘Over the Shoulder’ day at the American Hospital of Paris

                           Mise en charge immédiate, Edentement complet, Protocoles opératoires

01.10.2011              Full day with the EID at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           5 Live surgeries, Simplification des greffes osseuses au maxillaire

03.10.2009             Full day meeting at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           Best of ORL 2009

22.01.2009             Evening event with the EID at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           Nouvelles perspectives en dentisterie. La révolution de l’ancrage squelettique au service du traitement prothétique. Hôpital Américain de Paris

06.12.2008             Full day with the EID at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           4 Live surgeries, L’implantologie assistée par ordinateur avec le système SIMPLANT NAVIGATOR

03-07.11.2008         Actualités en ORL, Montevidéo, Uruguay

11.10.2008             Full day meeting at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           Best of ORL 2008

14.06.2008             Full day with the EID at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           4 Live surgeries, Greffes osseuses en implantologie,

23.01.2008             Evening with the EID at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           Les secrets de l’Esthétique en Implantologie

20.10.2007             Full day with the EID at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           4 Live surgeries, Mise en charge immédiate

13.10.2007             Full day meeting at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           Best of ORL 2007

30.10-1.11.2007       Two days meeting at the Institut Georges Portmann, Bordeaux (President)

                           Ronflement et sommeil

16.06.2007             Full day with the EID at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           4 Live surgeries, Greffes sinusiennes et implantologie

30.05.2007             Evening with the EID at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           L’Halitose. Une approche pluridisciplinaire

01-02.12.2006         Two days meeting at the Institut Georges Portmann, Bordeaux (President)

                           Ronflement et sommeil

07.10.2006             Full day with the EID at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           3 Live surgeries, Greffes sinusiennes et implantologie

21.06.2006             Full day Live surgeries at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           Cours International en Chirurgie ORL, l’Amygdalectomie par coblation

02.02.2006             Full day Conference at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           Indications de la Toxine botulinique en Odonto-stomatologie et Chirurgie maxillo-faciale

08.10.2005             Evening with the EID at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           Actualité de la prise en charge du ronflement et du syndrome d’apnée

18.03.2004             Evening at the American Hospital of Paris,

                           Implantologie et relation entre dents et sinus maxillaire

2003                    One day conference, Actualités en Laryngologie, American Hospital of Paris

2002                    One day conference, Les applications du laser diode en ORL, American Hospital of Paris

2002                    One day conference, Chirurgie endonasale et neuronavigation : sinus, maxillo-faciale, base du crâne, American Hospital of Paris

2001                    One day conference, Epistaxis, Actualités, American Hospital of Paris

2000                    One day conference, Actualité dans la prise en charge du ronflement et du Syndrome d’Apnée du Sommeil, American Hospital of Paris

1999                    One day conference, 2è colloque Lumière et Tissus cancéreux, American Hospital of Paris

1999                    One day conference, 1ère rencontre Franco-Marocaine d’Otologie, American Hospital of Paris

1998                    One day conference, Actualités sur la photothérapie et le photo-diagnostic des cancers précoces de l’œsophage, la trachée, les bronches, la plèvre et la sphère ORL, American Hospital of Paris

1996                    One day conference, Cours de Chirurgie Exonasale, American Hospital of Paris

1994                    One day conference, La voix des professionnels. Cours de Phoniatrie, Hôpital Foch, Suresnes, Greater Paris

1993                    One day conference, Cours de Chirurgie Ganglionnaire, American Hospital of Paris

1992                    One day conference, Cours de Pathologie de la voix, American Hospital of Paris

1991                     One day Live Surgeries, Cours de Pathologie naso-sinusienne, American Hospital of Paris

1989                    One day Live Surgeries, Cours de Pathologie de la voix, Hôpital Foch, Suresnes, Greater Paris

1988                    One day Live Surgeries, Cours de Pathologie naso-sinusienne, Hôpital Foch, Suresnes, Greater Paris

1987                    One day Live Surgeries, Cours de Pathologie de la voix Hôpital Foch, Suresnes, Greater Paris




1997                Scottia Laboratories (UK)

                        Phase I multicenter study, Open-labeled, light dose ranging study into the effect of

                        Foscanr – mediated photodynamic therapy (PDT) on primary laryngeal cancer

1996                Laboratoire ABS (France)

Etude Phase III, Traitement des immobilités laryngées par injection de macroplastique (silicone)

1995                Laboratoire Serozym (France)

                         Etude clinique, Rhinocularum contre Serum physiologique dans les suites opératoires de la chirurgie rhino-sinusienne

1994                Laboratoire LCO (France)

                         Etude pilote, Evaluation de l’efficacité et la tolérance de l’hémédonine dans le traitement des carcinomes épidermoïdes laryngés par photochimiothérapie

1993                Laboratoire Bayer Pharma (France)

                        Etude multicentrique comparative, Efficacité et de la tolérance de la ciprofloxacine et du céfuroxime-axetil dans le traitement des formes suppurées de sinusite chronique

1989                Laboratoire Lederle (France)

                        Etude Phase II multicentrique ouverte; Traitement des carcinomes épidermoïdes laryngés Tis, T1a, par injection d’HPD (Photofrin I, II et Thérapie photo-dynamique)




Regular national University settings

2003-2004       Post-graduate (DU), Perfectionnement en chirurgie cutanée oncologique : Retentissements fonctionnels des réparations nasales et du pavillon de l’oreille

1994-1999        Nurse School, Hôpital Stell, Rueil-Malmaison

1989-1994        Dressing Nurses School, CMC Hôpital Foch

1983-1984        Nurse School, Hôpital de St Germain-en-Laye

1995                PhD thesis Supervisor La photochimiothérapie dans le traitement des cancers du plan glottique à un stade limité (Tis, T1), defended by Henri Delbove, University of Paris 5

1993                Clinical Supervisor Post-graduate, Diplôme Interuniversitaire de Phoniatrie, University of Paris 13         Chairman Pr Frachet


International University settings


2004                Chirurgie endoscopique des sinus, Bucarest, Roumanie

1997                Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale Hospital-University surgery Exchange, 20.12.1996-05.01.1997, University of Huê, Viêt Nam

1996                            Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale, Examination Jury on behalf of the French College of ENT , Hospital-University surgery Exchange, 01-11.1996, University of Ho Chi Minh City, Viêt Nam

1995                3è Journée d’ORL, 26-27.05.1995, Hospital Garcia de Orta, Almada, Portugal

1993-1992        Chirurgie de la Voix, Advanced Laser Surgery in ENT Surgery, Clinique Universitaire de Mont-Godinne (Uni. Catholique de Louvain), Yvoir, Belgium, Pr M. Remacle



Le docteur Stéphane de Corbiere vous accueille au sein de son cabinet parisien.


+33 1 56 28 19 10




36 rue de Lubeck
75016, Paris


36 rue de Lubeck
75016, Paris


Le docteur Stéphane de Corbiere vous accueille au sein de son cabinet parisien.


+33 1 56 28 19 10

